What to do if you think you have COVID-19

Firstly, stay home, and call your GP or call Healthline on 0800 611 116. If they think you need to get tested they will tell you where to go.


Skinny Jump

The link provided is the Sign up form for Skinny Jump $5.00 -  30G Wifi Skinny Jump. Those who can apply: Families with children in low socio-economic communities: people living in rural communities: people with disabilities: migrants and refugees with english as a second language: Māori and Pasifika: youth: offenders and ex-offenders: seniors https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJvaTgGBBeY6dLm7yQqaO243MsOTEDLu5IA5Uqp4z6wCN1Xg/viewform

ALL the major internet providers are upgrading packages for free for more details:




  1. Safe to Talk  sexual harm helpline | 0800 044334 | text 4334 |email support@safetotalk.nz

  2. Rape Crisis | 0800 88 33 00

  3. Women's Refuge | 0800 733 843 | 24 hours 

  4. Shine domestic abuse services |  free call 0508 744 633 | 9am and 11pm 

  5. Hey Bro helpline | supporting men to be free from violence | 0800 HeyBro (439 276) |

  6. Family violence information line  to find out about local services or how to help someone else |  0800 456 450 | 9am to 11pm

  7. Oranga Tamariki line | for concerns about children and young people |0508 326 459 | contact@ot.govt.nz 

  8. Shakti | 0800 32 668 65 | 24 hours

  9. Te Puna Oranga | 0508 744 633 |9am to 11pm 


There are three new online self-help tools: Melon, Mentemia and Staying on Track, which provide different levels of support and practical strategies to cope with the stress and disruption of day-to-day life.